|  | | Environmental; Conservation of Nature | Altayeb street, Al Jubieha | Amman | www.rscn.org.jo | 300 | Jordan | Hussien Al Kisswani | 1966 | Non-Governmental Organization | 0096265337931 | 0096265357618 | hussien.kisswani@rscn.org.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Water Resources Management | Yarmouk Univeristy | Irbid | www.yu.edu.jo | | Jordan | Dr. Ahmed A. Al-Taani | 1976 | Acting Director | 96227211111 ext. 2921 | | taaniun@hotmail.com, taaniun@yu.edu.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | all the activities related to Education , Culture and Science | Abdali -The ministry of Education | Amman | www.natcom .gov.jo | 30 | jodan | Naima husban | 0 | one of the department of the ministry of education | ٥٦٨٤١٣٧ | 5688016 | jounesco@orange.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Water and Wastewater Utilities | P.O.Box: 962449 | Amman | www.acwua.org | 10 | Jordan | Dana Dakkak | 2009 | Communications Director | +96265161700 | +96265161800 | Dana_Daqqaq@acwua.org | Accepted | | |
| | | Research, Development and Consultation | Jubaiha | Amman | www.rss.jo | 600+ | Jordan | Ruba Ajjour | 1970 | Specialist I | 5344701 | 5344806 | ruba@emarcu.gov.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | ENERGY WATER AND ENVIRONMENT | PO box 455 AMMAN 11831 Jordan | AMMAN | www.edama.jo | 4 | Jordan | Khalil Hijazin | 2010 | Projects Development Manager | 4000756 | 5852045 | khijazin@edama.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Higher Education | P.O.Box (1)-19392 | Jerash | www.philadelphia.edu.jo | 396 | Jordan | Dr. Munzer Ebaid | 1989 | Director of Academic Staff Affairs- Associate Professor in Mech. Eng. | +962-4779900. Ext: 2445 | +962-47799052 | mebaid2@philadelphia.edu.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Water & wastewater services | Jabal Hussein - Al-Jalil st. | Amman - Jordan | malzoubi@miyahuna.com.jo | 1600 | Jordan | Eng. Majeda Alzoubi | 2007 | Quality control Manager | 0799034293 | 0096265680868 | malzoubi@miyahuna.com.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | FMCG | 84, Moh'd Ali Bdair Street Abdoun | Amman | www.nuqulgroup.com | 5000 | Jordan | Israa Thiab | 1952 | Sustainability Supervisor | 00962 6 4652688 Ext 2236 | 00962 6 4645669 | ithiab@nuqulgroup.com | Accepted | | |
| | | ENERGY | P.O.BOX (140027) AMMAN,11814 JORDAN | AMMAN | www.memr.gov.jo | | JORDAN | (MOHAMMED KHALED) HASAN DAGHASH | | HEAD OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT DIVISION | 5803060\191 | 5865714 | khaled.daghash@memr.gov.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Environmental Sciences | Shafa Badran | Amman | www.jes.org.jo | 10 | Jordan | Batool Abu Hazeem | 1988 | Projects' Coordinator | +96265699844 | +96265695857 | jes@jes.org.jo ; b.abuhazeem@gmail.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Engineering and Computer | Irbid B.O.Box 733, zip code 21110, Jordan | Irbid | www.jadaar.edu.jo | 300 | Jordan | Dr. Issam Trrad | 2006 | The Deen of Faculity of Engineering | 00962 795428456 | 00962 27201211 | itrrad@jadara.edu.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Education, Research | | Salt-Jordan | BAU.edu.jo | | Jordan | Eng. Da'ed Dabbas | 1997 | Lab supervisor | 05-3491111 ext. 3599 | | d_dabbas@yahoo.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Academia | Airport Rd. | Amman | www.zuj.edu.jo | | Jordan | Mohammad Hamdan | 1992 | Dean of Engineering | 0777498980 | | engineering@zuj.edu.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Agricultural and Environmental Research and extension | P.O Box: 639 Baq'a 19381 Jordan | Amman -Baq'a | NCARE Home page | 1300 | Jordan | nasab@ncare.gov.jo | establishment goes back to the late 1950’s, | became a semi-autonomous institution in 1993. | Tel : (+962) 6 4725071 (+962) 6 4725071 | Fax: (+962) 6 4726099 | Director@ncare.gov.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY AND WATER TREATMENT | JORDAN PETROLEUM REFINERY P.BOX 1079 | ZARQA | www.jopetrol.jo | 3500 | JORDAN | 0777490080 / mohamed_alsrehin@yahoo.com | 1960 | ENVERONMENTAL DEP.MANAGER | 0777490080 | +962 6 4657934 | mohamed_alsrehin@yahoo.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Water and Environmental Engineering | Karak - Jordan | Karak | Mutah University | around 5000 | jordam | | 1986 | Lecturer at Civil and Environmental Engineering Department | +9620795726655 | | suha3112@yahoo.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Natural sciences , water education , biosphere reserves | the ministry of Education | Amman | www.natcom.gov.jo | 30 | jordan | Naima husban | 1953 | a department in the ministry of education | 5683874 | 5688061 | jounesco@orange.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Municipal services | Amman | Amman | | 30000 | Jordan | Bushra Zalloom | | Architect | 0795167635 | | bushra.zalloum@yahoo.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Energy Efficiency & Green Building. | Amman / Abdullah Ghosheh Street. / Building No. 21. | Amman | www.ems-int.com | | Jordan | Eng. Ahmed Hamed | | | 0096265538085/6 | 0096265538087 | info@ems-int.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Solar Photvoltaic | Al Qastal Industrial Area | Amman | www.philadelphia-solar.com | 96 | Jordam | Mohd shehadeh | 2007 | Sales Manager ( Deputy CEO) | 0096264716601 | 0096264716602 | mohd.shehadeh@philadelphia-solar.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency | P.O. Box 2383 | Amman | www.eta-max.com | 8 | Jordan | Rabea Sawaged | 2011 | Senior Project Engineer | +962 6 5333 559 | +962 6 5343 555 | info@eta-max.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Renewable Energy, Heating systems and Pumps | Khalda - Amer bin Malik Str. #65 | Amman | www.wathba.com | 23 | Jordan | Dr. Feras Batarseh | 1996 | Executive Manager | 065333070 | 065333206 | fbatarseh@wathba.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Trading | No 10, Amer Bin Malek St. - Um Sumaq | Amman | www.marji.jo | 183 | Jordan | Fadi Marji | 1985 | Development Director | +962 (0)6 55 202 84 | +962 (0)6 55 202 94 | info@marji.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Renewable Energy | 47 Sharif Naser Bin Jamil St. | Amman | ehanania@hanania-res.com | 21 | Jordan | Edward Hanania | 2001 | GM | 962 777 30 9999 | 06 55 600 41 | ehanania@hanania-res.com | Accepted | | |
| | | Renewable Energy | Jordan- Amman - Jubaiha | Amman | www.nerc.gov.jo | 35 | Jordan | Ahmad Al-Rousan | 1998 | Head of Oilshale & Bioenergy Division | 00962 799050087 | 00962 65338043 | a.rousan@nerc.gov.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Renewable energy and Environmental Technology | Queen Rania street , Energy center , University of Jordan | Amman | www.ju.edu.jo | | Jordan | Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh | 1962 | Director of Water, Energy and Environment Center | 962-(0)777-644364 | +962-(0)6-5300251 | salaymeh@ju.edu.jo | Accepted | | |
| | | Renewable Energy and Decentralized Energy Supply | | | | | | Prof. Salman Ajib | | Head of Renewable Energy and Decentralized Energy Supply | | | Salman.Ajib@hs-owl.de | Accepted | | |
| | | Environmental Technologies and Energy Economics | Eissendorfer Str. (N) | Hamburg | | | Germany | Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt | 1980 | Head of Institute for Environmental Technologies and Energy Economics | +49 0878-3002 | +42878-2040 | kaltschmitt@tuhh.de | Accepted | | |
| | | Energy Efficient Buildings and Renewable | Technikerstraße | Innsbruck | | | Austria | Prof. Streicher Wolfgang | | Chair of department | +43 512 507-6532 | +43 512 873 7305 | wolfgang.streicher@uibk.ac.at | Accepted | | |