Fifth MAPEC Steering Committee & Technical Scientific committee Meeting from 27th – 29th January, 2014 at Porto & Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal
October 29, 2014

The Mayor of Santa Maria da Feira at portugal welcomed with a great pleasure all MAPEC partners at town hall and opened the Fifth Steering Committee & Technical Scientific Committee Meeting of MAPEC (Master’s program of Environmental Engineering and Climate Change) was held on January 27th – 29th, 2014, at The Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandão and Paulo & Beatriz ConsultoresAssociados, Lda, Portugal.


Also, The President of Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandão Prof. Raquel Maria Rodrigues Oliveira chaired the opening of 5th MAPEC StC & TSC meeting and welcomed all partners. Furthermore, the contact person at ISPAB Prof. Diamantino Lopes & contact person at P&B Paulo Baptista welcomed the MAPEC partners.


In his turn, The General Project Coordinator Prof Ahmad Al-Salaymeh welcomed all partners and expressed his happiness that all the partners have been able to attend, including the Syrian partners in spite of the difficult political situation. He added that  the meeting gives all partners a great opportunity to be updated about the progress in the project and to follow up all uncompleted tasks.


At the closing session, Prof. Diamantino & Dr. Paulo thanked all partners for the fruitful meeting and wished all success for MAPEC.


On the other hand Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh assured the importance of 5th MAPEC StC & TSC meeting and thanked Prof. Diamantino & Dr. Paulo for their great efforts to organize the meeting and for their warm hospitality. Also he approved that the next StC & TSC meeting will be held in Jordan at the Hashemite University during the period of 29th Sep. to 1st Oct. 2014​

