Technical University of Berlin |
| Günther Seliger | | Professor in manufacturing and factory planning. Dean and founder director of the Global Production Engineering MSc Program in Solar and Manufacturing at the Technische Universität Berlin. Head of department of assembly and factory management. Leading interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre funded by German National Foundation (DFG). Chairman of annual Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. He is Fellow of the CIRP Academy of Production Engineering, member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), and member of German Academic Society for Production Engineering. Expertise and teaching in: Manufacturing strategy for sustainability; manufacturing system engineering; assembly systems; factory planning. |
| | Carsten Reise | | Dr. Reise studied from 1999-2005 Industrial Engineering at TU Braunschweig, Germany. He wrote his Master Thesis at Volkswagen AG about Recycling Strategies under supervision of Prof. Hesselbach and Prof. Herrmann from the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology.
He was from 2005 – 2010 research assistant at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) of TU Berlin under supervision of Prof. Seliger and finished his Ph.D. in 2010 about the “Planning of Engineering Qualifications by means of Semantic Web Technology”. Dr. Reise coordinates since 2005 the international master program “Global Production Engineering” (www.gpe.tu-berlin.de), on which he based his main scientific research in the field of management of qualification. In 2006 he co-organized a Polish-German Workshop about „Lean Remanufacturing“ at the Technical University Wroclaw, Poland, and in 2009 the „Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing“ at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. |
| Frank Behrendt | | Professor for Energy Process Engineering and Conversion Technologies for Renewable Energies at TU Berlin. He is member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) and German delegate to the Implementing Agreement “Emissions Reduction in Combustion“ of the International Energy Agency (IEA). He is Speaker of the Innovation Centre Energy being responsible for the coordination of all energy-related research at TU Berlin. Expertise and teaching on the experimental investigation of two-phase flows exemplified by the gasification of biomass in reactors. Experiments are complemented by modelling and simulation efforts as well as their economical and ecological evaluation. |
| | Sven Böhnisch | | Professor in electromagnetic compatibility and director of the teaching lab for electromagnetic compatibility. Teacher at the TUB and Lausitz University of Applied Sciences. Expertise and teaching in: PV systems and its components, electromagnetic compatibility in large power systems, high frequency design. |
| Thomas Dittrich | | Researcher at the Institute of Heterogeneous Materials of the Helmholtz Centre Berlin for Materials and Energy. Teacher at TU Berlins GPE program for PV systems and scientific advisor for the solar laboratory at IWF. Expertise and teaching in: laboratory practicals in characteristics, materials and types of solar cells as well as of characterization methods and applications in solar energy conversion. |
| | Bernd Rech | | Prof. Bernd Rech is a professor in Photovoltaic at Institute for High Frequency, Semiconductor and System Technologies of the TU Berlin.
Head of the Institute of Silicon and Photovoltaic at Helmholtz Center Berlin. Expertise in: Silicon thin-layer solar cells technology; technology transfer; transparent conductive oxides; light trap structures; nanotechnology; renewable energies. |
| Jens Palacios Neffke | | After completing his bachelor degree as electronic engineer, Jens Palacios Neffke obtained in 2010 his Master Degree at the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) as global production engineer. He is since 2010 research assistant at the department of assembly technology and factory management of the TU Berlin. That year, took on behalf of his department, the coordination of the international project Housing-Manufacturing-Water (HMW). In 2011 he was appointed as scientific coordinator of TU Berlin’s international master programme “Global Production Engineering – Solar” (GPE Solar) after contributing as lecturer in the courses “manufacturing of solar thermal components” and “recycling of photovoltaic elements”. In 2012 he was also appointed as TU Berlin’s coordinator of the EU Tempus project Modernizing Undergraduate Renewable Energy Education (MUREE). |
| | Sadiq Abd Elall | | MSc. Eng. Sadiq AbdElall is a research engineer at the Institute of Machine tools and Factory Management, at Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) since 2010. Responsible for the cooperation between Middle East and MSc Program Global Production Engineering at TU Berlin. In 2011 he participated in proposal tilted a TEMPUS project titled Middle Eastern Partnership in Sustainable Engineering which successfully granted by TEMPUS. In 2012 he participated in proposal tilted a Modernising Undergraduate Renewable Energy Education: EU Experience for Jordan which also successfully granted by TEMPUS. AbdElall is a former lecturer at the Industrial Engineering Department at the Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine, and currently on leave for a PhD scholarship at TU Berlin. his research interest in value creation, sustainable engineering, and engineering education. |
| Jakub Wewior | | Jakub W. Wewior is a research engineer at the Institute of Machine tools and Factory Management, at Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) since 2011. He assists as an expert for solar thermal systems projects that include heat demands. From 2007 till 2010 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Freiburg, Germany, Jakub worked on energy efficiency research projects for heat pumps and solar thermal chiller. His research interest is about saving resources within manufacturing processes by sharing products. |
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